OCDS Analytics SaaS

OCDS Analytics SaaS

API-accessible service offering Analytic Tools for OCDS datasets.

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OCDS datasets

ProZorro SPA.ge
Prozorro in OCDS Analytics SPA in OCDS Analytics
Ukraine Georgia
ProZorro Ukrainian Public Procurement Analytic Tools Service with API access. Georgian Public Procurement Analytic Tools Service with API access.
Get started with Documentation for ProZorro Analytics API and query examples. Get started with Georgian State Procurement Agency data overview.
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Predictions based on machine learning

Service offering Predictions for the ProZorro procurement processes.

It's easy! Get predictions based on the input.

      Predictions {
          page: {limit: 3},
            {eq: {field: "tender.title", value: "Тверде паливо"}},
            {eq: {field: "tender.description", value: ""}},
            {eq: {field: "item.description", value: "Паливні брикети з деревини твердих порід"}},
            {eq: {field: "item.unit.id", value: ""}},
            {gte: {field: "probability", value: "0.0002"}}
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AI Integrations

This subsystem integrates the OCDS Analytics functionality and provides suggestions based on machine learning models.

Read the Documentation for AI Integrations or try out the AI demo examples of the AI Integrations library in action:

Item Unit demo Item Classifcation demo
Try demo: Unit suggestions → Try demo: Classification suggestions →